Board Member Spotlight

This month’s spotlight is Neville Dusaj, Student Scheduler:

IMG_0225“I currently serve the WCCC by scheduling volunteer students to assist at the clinic, ranging from the senior clinicians who lead patient visits, to the junior clinicians who attend to learn more about patient care, to the volunteers at the front desk who help ensure the clinic runs smoothly. I enjoy my position most because it allows me to connect the clinic to our community of medical students, and ensure that not only are there enough students to serve our patients as best as possible, but that students also have the opportunity to learn from their experiences at the clinic. Since starting medical school, I have been interested in trying to help the clinic move forward with its mission of providing care to some of the most vulnerable patient populations. Not only has my current position made that possible, but it has also allowed me to engage with the clinic in many other ways, such as assisting with the annual fundraiser. Beyond that, being able to volunteer at the clinic has been a truly eye-opening experience. Getting to see the struggles that some of our patients endure has shown me a side of medicine that just isn’t easily taught in the classroom setting. Having the privilege of working with the WCCC has been one of my most impactful experiences thus far in medical school, and I will take these experiences with me through the rest of my career.”

Weill Cornell Community Clinic 505 E. 70th St New York, NY 10065 Phone: (646) WMC-WCCC (962-9222) Fax: (646) 962-0350