Position: Access to Care Coordinator
What does your position do?
I work with patients to help them transition out of the clinic by helping them through the process of getting health insurance and finding new providers. I often cooperate with the clinic’s volunteer social workers, and my job would not be possible without the amazing work that they do!
What motivated you to get involved with the clinic?
I spent a year as an AmeriCorps VISTA in between undergrad and med school, and a significant part of my work focused on connecting homeless patients in ERs to primary care providers and other community supports. After a year working alongside nonprofits and hospitals alike, the WCCC was an obvious next step!
What do you enjoy about your position?
I am one of the board members with frequent patient contact, and I find that to be a great experience. With some patients, I provide technical assistance on how to find providers online. With others, I manage their medical records requests. Sometimes, I even make calls with translators. No two calls are the same!
How would you like to move the clinic forward?
Since my work involves the end of patients’ time with the WCCC, there are often some speed bumps that can get in the way. For example, one patient requested a records release form in their native language. Navigating this request introduced lag in getting the patient’s records delivered. Smoothing out the workflow is my goal!